Monday, November 12, 2007

My Mom Visits Portland

Yay!! My mom visited me in Portland! This was her second trip up here, since she came last year this time as well. Her work sent her again this year on another fancy conference trip up here & then she stayed an extra day with Robert & I. We prowled around downtown Portland & showed her my school, Portland State University, went to the Audubon Society & said hi to some pretty birds of prey, & then went on a gorgeous little hike in Portland's beautiful green forests. Robert made her a delicious spicy homemade curry dinner with chicken & frech mushrooms & peppers!! Mmm... She was very impressed. The next morning my mom took us out for a charming breakfast at a little place in SE Portland & then we went on a drive long the Columbia River on the way to the airport. It was so great to see my mumsie in my Portland town! =]

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey, your mom looks just like MY mom, but she's not.