Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ape Cave at Mount St Helen's near Cougar, Washington =]

This excursion was super freaky as the tours and everything were closed for the year & there was absolutely no one else up there. Entering a cave mid-summer with a bunch of people around is not so bad, but venturing into a big black hole completely alone in the forest is a bit more chilling.

Facing the mouth of the beast.

Deep inside the lava tube cave.

It was pitch, pitch black except for our dinky flashlights (& my camera flash). We were completely alone in the dark cave...dun dun dun...

Notice the drips of the lava as it dried. Cool cool.
Looking up in the cave.
Returning to daylight & the surface of the earth once again.

Ascending from the depths of the cave.
Ah ha, I am a true spelunker.

Aw, I love this one. Robert, the explorer. =]

Helene on an old abandoned bridge somewhere in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.

Mount St Helens, currently erupting volcano, covered in clouds.

Yale Resevoir

Robert, a man on a resevoir... "Aha...I found a lake."
Helene, a woman on resevoir.... "Actually it is a resevoir, my dear."
Aw, we're so cute. =]
Hmm, might be good to listen to the sign as there are rocks directly beneath it. I'll take the warning into consideration.

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