Sunday, July 1, 2007

Portland Rose Festival

June 8, 2007

In Portland, we have our annual Rose Festival when all the ships come in & there is a festival on the waterfront & a parade & fireworks.

This is a pirate ship that I am posing in front of...Shay told me to make a pirate face & I tried, but she says it ended up looking more like a porno face...hey, I was trying for an "arg, I'm a pirate" look...yeah, guess it didn't really work.

There was also a wild animal expo with lots of awesome is a toucan...I want one! Also featured were baby coatimudies, a rad, huge alligator snapper, some huge pythons & more...
Here is one of my other favs, a mondo nile these guys.

Yikes, I'm scared...a big croc is trying to eat me!

1 comment:

Emily said...

It looks like you're singing, "Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho, a pirate's life for me!"