Sunday, June 3, 2007

Oregon Coast - Tillamook, Cape Meares, Oceanside

Beautiful Oregon coast...

Cape Mearnes was super fun...

The large rock on the left had thousands of common mures (black & white seabirds) chilling & diving into the water. The scientists from the cape had brought telescopes down for us to look through.
Uh...yeah...right after this pic I turned to look through the telescope...& tripped on the tripod with my cowboy boots, totally messing up the focus point & and almost knocking it over... I was super embarrassed but managed to pull it off without anyone knowing it was me...whoo...

Here is Oregon's shortest lighthouse...hee hee...pretty cute, huh?Looking up through the lighthouse glass...Shay, giving me a "Oh my gosh, if you take another picture of me, I'm going to wring your scrawny little neck" look.
Ah...the ocean...I love it!

The Octopus tree...a large strange lookin' Sitka Spruce.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Gorgeous pictures!