Monday, April 2, 2007

Iceskating in Canada!
February 10, 2007

Shay & I went up to Canada & became iceskating stars! I haven't been since I was a kid & it was very scary...but pretty soon I was twirling & leaping like a pro! Shay too!

Breakfast at Tiffany's
...oh, I mean, Byways Cafe, Portland, OR
February 4, 2007

February 15-17, 2007

Oregon Coast
February 5, 2007

My best friend Shay, who I have known since Oakridge Elementary School, misses me sooo much she drove all up to Oregon to visit me! Yes, she is so cool! This is us in Lincoln City, Depoe Bay, & Newport on the stormy Oregon coast!

Oh, & I made her breakfast... =]

VooDoo Doughnuts!

Shay & I went to VooDoo Doughnuts last week, which is Portland's tiny, totally random doughnut shop featuring the famous bacon (that's right bacon!) maple bars and tons of other weird doughnuts. They got in trouble with the health board a while back for their Nyquil & Pepto Bismal doughnuts...apparently you aren't supposed to put medicine in food...

My Brother is Having a Baby!

So, I'm still really mad that he is having the first grandbaby...I mean, he could have given my some advanced notice and I would have gotten a move on!! But I'm going to be an aunt, so I forgive him! =]

Here are the cute couple!

Theo & Taylor

& their baby!!

My First Nephew! (we think)

A Tribute to My Dad

who is insane but in an amusing way =]

My dad is crazy, but insanely funny. Oh the stories...I look back and can't believe we survived childhood! Anyway, here are some cute pictures of my Dad from last year on his trip to Myanmar (Burma) to help set up a wheelchair company.

Christmas 2006

(or 2007 if ya ask my Dad =])

Okay, here are some of our Christmas pics!
My Dad & his wife Kristen took my sisters & I snow-shoeing. Of all the years I lived in Utah, that was my very first time! Here we are...the snow-shoeing beauties!

The Three Amigos

Summer 2006

Alright, back again. I know you are all waiting with baited breath for more updates from me!

So here ya are:

Over the summer my Dad and sisters came up to visit me and we went camping out on the Oregon coast by Newport. We stayed in a yurt on the beach and had a marvelous time.

My Dad practiced his Indiana Jones moves with sea kelp.

Here we are buried in a sand dune.

Then I had to fight off Nessie! I know, I'm brave.

This is after I had some seagull got me!

We also spotted a gray whale feeding in kelp beds off Cape Foulweather. My first whale sighting ever!! My sisters named him Boqui (no, I don't know why =]).

Then we went up to the Ape Caves near Mt. St. Helens where my sister Elisa fell in love with a cougar.

After that, we met up with my aunts and uncles and cousins, etc. up in Seattle (well Lake Stevens for those of you who know Washington). Here are my two sisters and my two cousins proudly brandishing a crab they caught in my uncle's backyard in Bremerton.

Here is my aunt Kathy (my dad's baby sister) and I kayaking in a Puget Sound canal.

We had a blast!

First Post

January 5, 2007

Hello y'all! Just trying this MySpace thing out to try and keep up with people. About me, I had an awesome time this last Christmas. I flew home to SLC and got to hang out with my cute sisters and fam and my oldest, bestest friend, Shay. We got lots of pics, which are to come... dun, dun, dun... Here is one for now which is of us kids from last Thanksgiving (2005) ...aren't we cute?

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