Monday, May 28, 2007

Portland Rose Gardens

Helene & Shay & Sonia at the Portland Rose Gardens at Washington Park on May, 26, 2007.

The roses are just getting all ready to burst into bloom...just a few weeks off...

(If you look close, I am stuck to a rose bush in the first picture...took awhile to get my skirt untaggled...)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Robert & Helene in Portland

Here are some photos of my cute boyfriend & I at the Oregon coast!
He has a very hard time keeping his eyes open in pictures, so I tried to pick a few in which they are not closed...

This is in on the beach in Lincoln City...I love this beach because you can drive right down onto the sand and park. Yeah, I think that's cool... The rocks we are standing on are full of tidepools with pink & green sea anemones & starfish! We went at the perfect time when the tide was low & scrambled about on the rocks spotting sea critters!

So, Robert is 23 & doesn't have his driver's license...this is due to the fact that he is from Toronto, Ontario where the public transit is amazing & most things are within walking distance anyway so it has never been necessary. I knew that he didn't have his official license, however, I was completely unaware of the fact that he actually doesn't know how to drive!! Finding this entirely amusing, I insisted that he drive my car around on the beach...he rolled his eyes many times, but I got my way! =]

See...he has beautiful eyes when he can actually keep them open in a picture... =]

We went to a funky 60's diner for lunch & got shakes & burgers & I took a million photos...& yes, in every one of them his eyes were closed except for this one, which is out of focus... =]

Ah...sand dunes, the ocean, the salty sea breeze & my cute Newport...what else could you want?

This is in a secret forest glade we found just off the beach were we could hear the ocean waves & there were these gorgeous blue Stellar jays that were our special guardian birds...

Watching the sun set over the ocean on top of a towering cliff outside of Depoe Bay...incredible!